Solar Imaging with Celestron EdgeHD 14" 拍太陽

分類: 觀測報告 Observations
不算Hydrogen Alpha太陽攝影的話,上次認真拍太陽黑子可能是90年代初了,而且還是用單反相機及菲林的。事隔多年"新手"再試,想不到是用35公分鏡。今早有兩三小時朗日晴空,視寧度也可以接受,以這張作為基準照片,日後再優化一下後期處理。星河科研社這個基地建立一年,日後我們會在這裡推出更多日間及夜間的教育活動。
Excluding Hydrogen Alpha solar imaging, the last time I seriously photographed sunspots was probably in the early 1990s, and I was using a film SLR camera. After many years, as a "novice," I decided to give it another try, but this time with a 35cm telescope. This morning, there were two to three hours of clear, sunny skies, and the visibility was acceptable. Using this image as a reference, I will further optimize it in post-processing in the future. Galaxy Scientific Group established this base for one year, and in the future, we will launch more daytime and nighttime education activities here.
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